Getting Stream Details

To get the details of a stream, use the getStreamDetails() method:

const streamBytes = await zebecClient.getLatestStreamBytes(sender.address); // gets the last stream bytes of "sender.address"
const streamDetails = await zebecClient.getStreamDetails(streamBytes);

console.log("Stream Details:", streamDetails);

For more details and methods, please refer to the source code or documentation of theZebecStreamClient class.

The getStreamDetails function returns an object containing the following stream details:

  • receiver (type: string): address of the receiver of the stream.

  • token (type: string): address of the token being streamed

  • startTime (type: BigNumber): The timestamp when the stream started.

  • endTime (type: BigNumber): The timestamp when the stream is scheduled to end.

  • amounts (type: Core.AmountStructOutput):

    An object containing various amounts associated with the stream. It is a type with the following sub-properties:

    • streamAmount (BigNumber): The total amount allocated to the stream.

    • releasedAmount (BigNumber): The amount that has been released to the recipient.

    • unlockedAmount (BigNumber): The amount that is currently unlocked and can be withdrawn.

    • pausedAmount (BigNumber): The amount that is currently paused and cannot be withdrawn.

  • pausedTime (type: BigNumber): The timestamp when the stream was paused, if it has been paused.

  • withdrawTime (type: BigNumber): The timestamp when the stream was withdrawn, if it has been withdrawn.

  • originZebecWallet (type: string): The wallet or address from which the stream originates.

  • canceled (type: boolean): A boolean value indicating whether the stream has been canceled (true) or not (false).

  • paused (type: boolean): A boolean value indicating whether the stream is currently paused (true) or not (false).

  • streamParam (type: number): A numeric value representing a parameter of the stream.

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