You have the capability to oversee and control your BEP-721 and BEP-1155 standard non-fungible tokens (NFTs) through a Zebec safe.


Initializing the ZebecMultisigStream

To use the ZebecMultisigStream class, you need to initialize an instance of it by providing a signer or provider and, optionally, the contract address. Here's how you can do that:

import { ZebecMultisigStream } from 'zebec-multisig-stream';

// Your Ethereum provider or signer
const providerOrSigner = ...;

// Optionally, specify the contract address (default is CORE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS)
const contractAddress = ...;

const zebecStream = new ZebecMultisigStream(providerOrSigner, contractAddress);

Depositing ERC-721 Tokens

The depositERC721 method allows you to deposit an ERC-721 token into a safe address. It takes the tokenId, tokenAddress, and safeAddress as parameters and returns a transaction response.

const tokenId = 123; // The ERC-721 token ID
const tokenAddress = '0x...'; // The ERC-721 token contract address
const safeAddress = '0x...'; // The destination safe address

const transactionResponse = await zebecStream.depositERC721(tokenId, tokenAddress, safeAddress);

Depositing ERC-1155 Tokens

The depositERC1155 method allows you to deposit ERC-1155 tokens into a safe address. It takes the tokenId, tokenAddress, safeAddress, and amount as parameters and returns a transaction Response.

const tokenId = 123; // The ERC-1155 token ID
const tokenAddress = '0x...'; // The ERC-1155 token contract address
const safeAddress = '0x...'; // The destination safe address
const amount = 5; // The amount of tokens to deposit

const transactionResponse = await zebecStream.depositERC1155(tokenId, tokenAddress, safeAddress, amount);

Transferring ERC-721 Tokens

The transferERC721 method generates transaction data to transfer an ERC-721 token from a safe address to a recipient address. It takes the tokenId, tokenAddress, to, and safeAddress as parameters.

const tokenId = 123; // The ERC-721 token ID
const tokenAddress = '0x...'; // The ERC-721 token contract address
const to = '0x...'; // The recipient address
const safeAddress = '0x...'; // The source safe address

// The Safe SDK can utilize this transactionData to initiate and execute multi-signature transactions.
const transactionData = zebecStream.transferERC721(tokenId, tokenAddress, to, safeAddress);

Transferring ERC-1155 Tokens

The transferERC1155 method generates transaction data to transfer ERC-1155 tokens from a safe address to a recipient address. It takes the tokenAddress, tokenIds, amounts, to, and safeAddress as parameters.

const tokenAddress = '0x...'; // The ERC-1155 token contract address
const tokenIds = [123, 456]; // An array of ERC-1155 token IDs
const amounts = [5, 10]; // An array of corresponding token amounts
const to = '0x...'; // The recipient address
const safeAddress = '0x...'; // The source safe address

// The Safe SDK can utilize this transactionData to initiate and execute multi-signature transactions.
const transactionData = zebecStream.transferERC1155(tokenAddress, tokenIds, amounts, to, safeAddress);

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