Depositing token from proxy accounts to zebec vault can be done in following way. You first need to pass message to solana chain using evm bridge contracts for deposit tokens.
const tokenAddress = "0xea0Fbe70025ac7Cab1F5f06976dA76Ac85C045d9";
const tokenAddressSol = await getTargetAsset(signer, tokenAddress, sourceChain, targetChain);
// deposit same amoutn of token that you migrated from bsc to solana
const receipt = await ethClient.deposit(amount, depositor, tokenAddrInSolana);
Then the vaa can be obtained after this and which'll be posted in solana chain.
Now post this signed vaa to wormhole solana core bridge program, parse the payloads from vaa and send the parsed data to solana zebec bridge program. Posting vaa and calling solana bridge (also called as proxy) program. This is optional because it's handled by zebec's specialized relayer.